Tribal gaming receipts transfer for certain UW--Green Bay programming eliminated; tribal gaming receipts appropriations consolidated re unusually high-cost of out-of-home placements and subsidized guardianships of Indian children [Sec. 135, 395, 396, 420, 459, 460, 2246] -
SB30UW--Green Bay authorized to create a school of engineering [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 610p] -
AB64UW—Green Bay Phoenix women’s basketball team congratulated on the Horizon League Championship and best of luck in the NCAA tournament -
SR6UW--Green Bay women’s basketball team commended on a successful regular season and reaching the NCAA tournament -
SJR29UW--Green Bay women’s basketball team commended on a successful regular season and reaching the NCAA tournament -
SR3Crime victims legal clinic established at the UW Law School; DOJ grant provision -
AB701Crime victims legal clinic established at the UW Law School; DOJ grant provision -
SB728Baccalaureate degree program completed in 3 years: each UW System university required to submit statements to Board of Regents; report provisions [Sec. 610, 624; original bill only] -
AB64Baccalaureate degree program completed in 3 years: each UW System university required to submit statements to Board of Regents; report provisions -
SB290Baccalaureate degree program completed in 3 years: each UW System university required to submit statements to Board of Regents; report provisions [Sec. 610, 624] -
SB30Bogenschneider, Karen: service to the state, academic career, and leadership of the Wisconsin Family Impact Seminars commended upon her retirement -
AJR39Bogenschneider, Karen: service to the state, academic career, and leadership of the Wisconsin Family Impact Seminars commended upon her retirement -
SJR42Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2016-17 contract ratification between UW--Madison and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee -
AB961Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2016-17 contract ratification between UW--Madison and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee -
SB815Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2017-18 contract ratification between UW--Madison and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee -
AB962Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2017-18 contract ratification between UW--Madison and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee -
SB814Substance abuse: continuing education for health care practitioners; federal waiver re dispensing narcotics for addiction treatment; prescribing and dispensing buprenorphine combination products; counseling changes re certification and who can offer treatment; school health instruction requirements; graduate program in psychiatric mental health nursing at UW—Madison; training resources for social service workers; DCF, DHS, and DSPS duties; administrative rules provisions [Admin.Code DHS 75.02, 75.03; MPSW 1.09; SPS 160 (title), 160.015, 160.02, 160.03, 161, 163.01, 163.02, 164.01, 165, 166, 168] [A.Amdt.1: MEB emergency rule provisions added, administrative rule provisions revised; A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: continuing education for certain health care providers provision deleted, MEB emergency rules and rule-making authority provisions deleted, adds reporting requirements for certain credentialing boards re opioids] -
AB907Substance abuse: continuing education for health care practitioners; federal waiver re dispensing narcotics for addiction treatment; prescribing and dispensing buprenorphine combination products; counseling changes re certification and who can offer treatment; school health instruction requirements; graduate program in psychiatric mental health nursing at UW—Madison; training resources for social service workers; DCF, DHS, and DSPS duties; administrative rules provisions [Admin.Code DHS 75.02, 75.03; MPSW 1.09; SPS 160 (title), 160.015, 160.02, 160.03, 161, 163.01, 163.02, 164.01, 165, 166, 168] -
SB767Tommy G. Thompson Center on Public Leadership created and attached to the UW System [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 17m, 68m, 222m, 626m] -
AB64Tuition grant program for national guard members administered by DMA: administration revisions and differential tuition provision -
AB512Tuition grant program for national guard members administered by DMA: administration revisions and differential tuition provision -
SB410UW—Madison Badgers 2017 football team commended on a season of impressive accomplishments, including an undefeated regular season and an Orange Bowl championship -
AJR97UW—Madison Badgers 2017 football team commended on a season of impressive accomplishments, including an undefeated regular season and an Orange Bowl championship -
SJR90UW—Madison men’s basketball team commended on an outstanding 2016-17 season and reaching the NCAA Sweet 16 -
AJR36UW—Madison men’s basketball team commended on an outstanding 2016-17 season and reaching the NCAA Sweet 16 -
SJR41UW--Oshkosh Foundation, Inc.: transferring funds to prohibited without legislative enactment [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 602r] -
AB64Independent charter school authorizers expanded to any UW chancellor or technical college district board, Office of Educational Opportunity provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 623p, q, 1531g-n, 1532h, q, qm, w, 1635e] -
AB64UW System president, chancellor, or vice chancellor candidates: qualifications modified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 594g, r] -
AB64Baccalaureate degree program completed in 3 years: each UW System university required to submit statements to Board of Regents; report provisions [Sec. 610, 624; original bill only] -
AB64Baccalaureate degree program completed in 3 years: each UW System university required to submit statements to Board of Regents; report provisions -
SB290Baccalaureate degree program completed in 3 years: each UW System university required to submit statements to Board of Regents; report provisions [Sec. 610, 624] -
SB30Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2017-18 contract ratification between UW Board of Regents and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee -
AB960Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2017-18 contract ratification between UW Board of Regents and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee -
SB813Campus Free Speech Act: UW Board of Regents required to adopt a policy, conditions specified; disciplinary sanctions, council on free expression, and report provisions -
AB299Campus Free Speech Act: UW Board of Regents required to adopt a policy, conditions specified; disciplinary sanctions, council on free expression, and report provisions -
SB250Credit transfers between UW schools and technical colleges; report required [Sec. 597, 598, 600, 623; original bill only] -
AB64Credit transfers between UW schools and technical colleges; report required [Sec. 597, 598, 600, 623] -
SB30Crime victims legal clinic established at the UW Law School; DOJ grant provision -
AB701Crime victims legal clinic established at the UW Law School; DOJ grant provision -
SB728Educational loan assistance program administered by the UW Board of Regents for physicians, dentists, and other health care providers: agree to practice in eligible practice area for certain amount of time to be eligible, definition provision -
AB598Farm succession planning programs: creating UW—Extension positions -
AB685Farm succession planning programs: creating UW—Extension positions -
SB857Free speech at the UW and technical college systems: statutory requirements created; rule promulgation and disciplinary process provisions -
AB440Free speech at the UW and technical college systems: statutory requirements created; rule promulgation and disciplinary process provisions -
SB351Freedom of expression and inquiry: UW Board of Regents and each UW school required to commit to protect and promote [Sec. 594; original bill only] -
AB64Freedom of expression and inquiry: UW Board of Regents and each UW school required to commit to protect and promote [Sec. 594] -
SB30Human resources and payrolls services: DOA to administer for all executive branch agencies and independent agencies except DPI, DOJ, UW Board of Regents, and TCS Board; general fund lapse provision [Sec. 73, 9101 (9), 9201 (1), 9401 (4); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, exceptions expanded to include DETF, DMA, SWIB, and Public Defender Board, adds onsite management for certain agencies, reports required] -
AB64Human resources and payrolls services: DOA to administer for all executive branch agencies and independent agencies except DPI, DOJ, UW Board of Regents, and TCS Board; general fund lapse provision [Sec. 73, 9101 (9), 9201 (1), 9401 (4)] -
SB30Nanotechnology information hub and Nanotechnology Council established in the UW System, duties specified and report required -
AB985Nanotechnology information hub and Nanotechnology Council established in the UW System, duties specified and report required -
SB820Public lands: BCPL may sell land to the state and DNR to purchase re Stewardship 2000 Program; county management of DNR land, forestry provision; UW Board of Regents to award Wisconsin Merit scholarships, UW--Stevens Point provision -
AB338Public lands: BCPL may sell land to the state and DNR to purchase re Stewardship 2000 Program; county management of DNR land, forestry provision; UW Board of Regents to award Wisconsin Merit scholarships, UW--Stevens Point provision -
SB270Shared governance at UW System institutions: statutory provisions restored to form prior to 2015 WisAct 55 -
AB991Shared governance at UW System institutions: statutory provisions restored to form prior to 2015 WisAct 55 -
SB824Student members appointed to the UW Board of Regents: Governor required to select from recommendations made by elected representatives of student governments of UW System institutions -
AB992Student members appointed to the UW Board of Regents: Governor required to select from recommendations made by elected representatives of student governments of UW System institutions -
SB822UW Board of Regents given responsibility for leases of real property occupied by the Board, including student housing [Sec. 596; original bill only] -
AB64UW Board of Regents given responsibility for leases of real property occupied by the Board, including student housing [Sec. 596] -
SB30UW Board of Regents prohibited from using certain procedure to supplement their budgets from compensation reserves [Sec. 9148 (1); original bill only] -
AB64UW Board of Regents prohibited from using certain procedure to supplement their budgets from compensation reserves [Sec. 9148 (1)] -
SB30UW Board of Regents required to allocate portion of GPR funding based on performance; percentages, criteria, and report provisions [Sec. 603; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, performance criteria changed to goals for the UW System, Board of Regents to identify metrics to measure progress, outcomes-based funding formula and annual report to JCF required, innovation fund to increase enrollment in high-demand degree programs, 603m, deletes 603] -
AB64UW Board of Regents required to allocate portion of GPR funding based on performance; percentages, criteria, and report provisions [Sec. 603] -
SB30UW Board of Regents required to develop transfer policies for college credits earned by high school students in certain program; exam provision -
AB559UW Board of Regents required to develop transfer policies for college credits earned by high school students in certain program; exam provision -
SB407UW faculty and instructional academic staff teaching workloads: Board of Regents must develop and implement plan and policies re monitoring and rewarding; report required, accountability dashboard provision [Sec. 604-609, 625, 626] -
AB64UW faculty and instructional academic staff teaching workloads: Board of Regents must develop and implement plan and policies re monitoring and rewarding; report required, accountability dashboard provision [Sec. 604-609, 625, 626] -
SB30UW Flexible Options platform expanded; assistance becoming a registered nurse and preparing for initial teaching license and permits required [Sec. 9148 (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, nursing provision removed, teaching license provision changed to teacher residency program between a UW school of education and a school district, 9148 (2p)] -
AB64UW Flexible Options platform expanded; assistance becoming a registered nurse and preparing for initial teaching license and permits required [Sec. 9148 (2)] -
SB30UW--Oshkosh Foundation, Inc.: transferring funds to prohibited without legislative enactment [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 602r] -
AB64UW segregated fees: Board of Regents to ensure classification as allocable or nonallocable is consistent across institutions, JCF approval [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 602p] -
AB64UW System allocable segregated fees defined and made optional for students [Sec. 611, 612, 615-622, 9348 (2); original bill only] -
AB64UW System allocable segregated fees defined and made optional for students [Sec. 611, 612, 615-622, 9348 (2)] -
SB30UW System report requirements revised and exempted from certain reports; commencement of classes for graduate health sciences classes revised -
AB932UW System report requirements revised and exempted from certain reports; commencement of classes for graduate health sciences classes revised -
SB790Wisconsin Grant formula modifications, JCF provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 600m, 628m, 704n-nr] -
AB64Wisconsin Merit scholarships: UW Board of Regents to award, conditions set, and UW—Stevens Point environmental programs provision [A.Amdt.1: transfer of trust fund lands by BCPL provision added; A.Amdt.2: sunset of scholarship added] -
AB804Wisconsin Merit scholarships: UW Board of Regents to award, conditions set, and UW—Stevens Point environmental programs provision -
SB700Precision medicine expanded at UW Carbone Cancer Center through the Precision Medicine Molecular Tumor Board [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 610m] -
AB64Public lands: BCPL may sell land to the state and DNR to purchase re Stewardship 2000 Program; county management of DNR land, forestry provision; UW Board of Regents to award Wisconsin Merit scholarships, UW--Stevens Point provision -
AB338Public lands: BCPL may sell land to the state and DNR to purchase re Stewardship 2000 Program; county management of DNR land, forestry provision; UW Board of Regents to award Wisconsin Merit scholarships, UW--Stevens Point provision -